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The Shift

The Shift
by Alexandra Seidel

Shift the darkness like fallen summer leaves;
there is no more magic in a cast off skin
just like there is no more magic left in last night's dreams.

You can call me a girl of feathers and fur,
of changing light and light that never comes.
I am a girl that doesn't even keep her own bones,

breaks the length of her strides like sticks
and casts a different shadow
whenever she turns her back to the sun.

I like the shift best; it is the truth
of me that only I can know, it is my inside.
I am the heart in every new skin,

and the shift is the heart inside my heart. You
needn't fear the changeful nature of me; I
am not afraid either

of casting off again,
taking another,
of always moving another step.

* * *

Alexandra Seidel writes poems and stories of things that are imaginary and live in dreams. Mostly. Her work can be found in Lackington's, Mythic Delirium, Strange Horizons, and elsewhere. If you are so inclined you can follow Alexa on Twitter (@Alexa_Seidel) or read her blog:

What inspires you to write and keep writing?

These days I’m never really sure where exactly inspiration comes from, nor can I predict when it’ll strike. I think that after a while, after many, many words, your mind is tuned to writing and constantly scanning for ideas in the background. When I first started out though, knowing that people other than me were enjoying reading what I wrote, that was (and still is, to a degree) what kept me working at getting better. So whenever you read something that you like, do reach out to the author and let them know you enjoyed their words!