by Brendan McBreen
try trading
for strife
try giving blood
to a stone
and think of balance
would dropping
lift you higher?
would falling
make you fly?
Brendan McBreen is a Poet and workshop facilitator with Striped Water Poets in Auburn, Washington. He writes sci-fi poetry, is a humorist, a haiku writer, a student of Zen and Taoist philosophy, a collage artist, and occasional cartoonist. Brendan is an event coordinator with Auburn AugustFest and helps organize the Poetry at the Rainbow Café series. He has featured at various regional venues and is published in numerous journals, including: Raven Chronicles, Mithila Review, Farther Stars Than These, Eternal Haunted Summer, Circle Show, Aphelion, anthologies from Kind of a Hurricane Press, and in the U.K. journal The Delinquent.
What do you think is the most important aspect of a fantasy poem?
I think a sense of mystery is most important. It seems like poetry more than other art forms tends to inspire people to create art of their own, and the sense of the mysterious and what might be possible helps foster that inspiration.
Stunning poem, Brendan.
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