Woman Came Last
by Anne Carly Abad
than he wanted to forget
his matripotestal beloved
who left him because he took his sweet time
dreaming of worlds rather than making them.
On a bed of bated breath
he awed her with vibrant colors
animate, exercising different hues
of wilfulness.
I could do this, he boasted,
or what if this or these—
of creatures came and went
long, short, twisted, tentacular
flat or flexagonal;
lightless lands or shimmering vacuums.
Beauty grows dull in excess, she once said
while pruning the leaves of restlessness.
So when he finally chose light
and made Adam, it was too late.
She wasn't impressed.
She whittled away in the way of excitements
leaving more silence than memories,
and in the distance of her growing absence
his idle hands couldn't help but save
her image from the fragments,
not his most creative,
but even God runs out of ideas
in the face of something missing.
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Anne Carly Abad writes poetry and stories when she's not training Muay Thai. Her story, 'Sage's Reckoning' recently earned an honorable mention in Q3 of The Writers of the Future Contest (2013). Her work has appeared or will appear in Star*Line, Dreams & Nightmares, and Strange Horizons. Find out more about her at http://the-sword-that-speaks.blogspot.com.
What inspires you to write and keep writing?
People and nature are my muse. I write haiku to celebrate the Earth. Meanwhile, I write form and free form poetry in the hopes of preserving moments and memories with the people I meet. I hope my writing can one day make the world a better place.
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