The Day’s Work
by Shelly Bryant

bare feet pad forward
stopping before the shrub
in gentle mist covered
she breathes the fragrant air
a quick evaluation
leads her to wait another day
for the blueblack berries
under their dew-coat, leaves
silvery, cool to her touch
and unyielding
deceive with their soft appearance
she withdraws her hand
brushes the moist fingertips
across her eyes
and stretches to her full length
with a lazy sigh
upon the ritual’s completion
before her gaze
the bracken shuffles
small voices rustle
tiny wings buzz
and tree-filtered light
rests on airy forms
going about the day’s work
Shelly Bryant spends half of each year in Singapore teaching English literature, and the other half in Shanghai studying Chinese language. She loves to read, write, cycle, and travel. Her poems have appeared in numerous small press publications, and there are plans in the works for her first collection of poetry to be released late in 2009. You can visit her website.
Where do you get the ideas for your poems?
I would like to have some fantastic explanation, like saying that aliens visit me once a quarter to give me ideas. But then, on top of being untrue, that would do an injustice to any intelligent life that exists out there. The fact is, I get my ideas the old fashioned way — lots of reading, some research, and listening to what is going on around me. Long walks or long cycling trips help flesh out the ideas.
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