by Thomas Zimmerman

Our underseas remain thus far untamed,
and mostly unexplored. My ocean swarms
with beasts of every size; though I’m self-maimed,
they keep their horrid appetites and forms.
The heavens, too, seem cloaked in mystery.
Some say an eldritch evil drapes the stars
and Elder Gods have toyed with history,
destroying minds on Earth and life on Mars.
I’ve read of heroes’ journeys from the tribe
to wilderness, to monsters slain; the quest
for wisdom, unexpected change; the bribe
that buys the mage; the rites of East and West.
I want to learn my fate, if bliss or hell.
I sojourn now. Wayfarers, wish me well.

Thomas Zimmerman works as a community-college English teacher and has been publishing his poems in small publications for the past 20 years.
What inspires you to write and keep writing?
Reading poetry and interacting with others (especially students).
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